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Writer's pictureSai Prabhanjan

From Trauma to Triumph: Navigating Change and Embracing Resilience for Success

Updated: Feb 26

Sometimes the secrecy of sorrows in the silent nights possess the stories that are worth sharing. Beneath the flames and ashes of burnt diaries, the memories hold the darkest attachments that delay the journey towards the glorious goals. Out in this world, some sincere hearts are still suffering their darkest goodbyes silently. At the moments of recurring flashbacks, the one clarity of thought that sets me back on the track is knocking on the doors of my enthusiasm to come out in the form of this blog, to support and uplift the innocents who are going through the undeserving detachment problems, which are pausing them to unleash their grandeur versions, to commend their purposeful pursuits.

Depiction: As a blogger, I came up with a project, "Purposeful Pursuits", intending to post a series of blogs for a duration, with a theme of helping individuals, resolve their limiting beliefs, declutter themselves from trauma, identify their skills, and convert their efforts into money for achieving the financial freedom. I believe "Rich Gets Richer", and for a beginner, the richness originates in their mindset, which will manifest into reality, given righteous efforts and mentoring. Thus, this series of blogs started with the aim of empowering the mindset and soon the context of the blog shall shift into the lane of different perspectives. This post is the second blog in the "Purposeful Pursuits", if you had missed reading the first blog, I highly recommend you to give it a read (Hyperlink to the Previous Blog).

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended for commercial purposes. The personal anecdotes shared herein are based on my real-life experiences, and any resemblance to actual individuals or events is purely coincidental. Additionally, the historical incidents discussed are presented from my perspective, the true depiction of these events may differ from reality. Readers are encouraged to conduct their research for a better understanding of historical contexts.

Having said that let's get into today's blog.........!!!!!!


The tree that provides shelter and shadow to others, can't provide the same to itself to shield from the thumping heat of the sun. Similarly, sometimes, I was in a situation of not being able to handle things on my own and needed to hear advice from an empath, luckily having a friend acted as a boon on one of the evenings of melancholy.

[Around 8 PM, Forgotten Date, Phone Call]

In Mid of the conversation. Akriti: I understand your situation darsi, You have to realise that, you handed over the key to your happiness to someone else, and you lost it now.

DSP: What? How to get it back?

Akriti: I would instead advise you, not to give the authority of altering your peace of mind, happiness and emotion to anyone, except yourself.

Upon the moment of silence, I realised that I was trying to hang on to something which is supposed to move on. Some impressions last years, and some scars last for a lifetime. In the pursuit of affection, I questioned myself, Why did I lose my happiness, the answer I found was expectations. It took me a considerable amount of time, to move on, come back to form, equip myself with the required motivation and continue my never-ending pursuits of my dreams. Upon resuming my habit of coaching people, the common thing that I noticed often in the young aspirants is the traces of their detachment issues from either their past relationships or departed beloved people. I believe it is ok to take time to come out of disturbing memories. The only thing that bothered me is the aspect of how dark moments of relationships are suffering people by limiting their capabilities, causing insecurities, delaying their efforts towards their ambitions, and spoiling their happiness, sleep and peace of mind. It is the one and whole reason for penning this blog.

Chapter 1: "Heartbreak Highway: Navigating the Road to Recovery".

This chapter is dedicated to the readers, who have emphasized sincere efforts to experience love in this extremely self-oriented generation. I am happy for you if you are lucky enough to find the purest soul that reciprocated the same or more sincerity back. But if things went sideways, I want to tell you that it is the high moment for you to acknowledge that we are living in a society in which a major portion has forgotten the importance of practising guilt consciousness. The one who left you without explaining a proper reason has been sleeping peacefully every night, don't hesitate to respect the upcoming harsh truths in this chapter.

Sadly today's generation follows the practice of love as per convenience, they want to enjoy the benefits of a relationship without formal entitlement, and that is the reason, they haven't received proper commitment or expression of love, because they feel that if they commit they has to stand for it. The lack of assurance from their side might result in the accumulation of insecurities in you. The fear of losing the person might have not made you communicate it to that person and compromise on leaving with those insecurities. The eventual way of finding peace in insecurities is to overthink every possibility sideways and hope for one positive possibility (Just like Doctor Strange from Infinity War). The unrealised influence of overthinking on your actions might end up as communication gaps, that direct towards distance, dislikes, arguments, and the final confrontation.

At the final moment of confrontation, the person who is supposed to acknowledge their fault in lack of commitment will try to defend their mistake through the action of avoiding the conversation by either ghosting or silently walking away. The innocent in this situation will point their fingers towards themselves and bombard the question in their head, "Why am I not given a reason?", "Don't I deserve an explanation?", and "Where did I go wrong?". The lack of answers to these questions might push the innocents to deeper insecurities, silent battles, self-blame, questions about their purity, and disturbance in peace of mind.

If you have gone through such a situation, with ultimate compassion, the one thing that I want to tell you is that sometimes it is better to not receive an answer when the truth is so bitter that we can't process it. You will be surprised to see how quickly they move on, so why bother? Even if any toxic person is ready for the confrontation, I would advise you to skip that conversation because toxic people will get down to any extent to defend themselves with unethical blaming with the agenda of disheartening. Leave that conversation, answer their noises through the echos of applause at the moment of your success.

Chapter 2: "Tears in the Wind: Coping with the Pain of Losing a Beloved"

Perhaps, I believe one of the most painful things is to deal with the death of a beloved person. I have seen people who lost their family members and been in trauma for more than 5 years. Getting into their shoes and feeling them from under their skin, I understood that it is easy to say to stay strong but perhaps it is very tough to acknowledge that fact. Through this blog, I don't intend to repeat those things. Instead with compassion, I appreciate and respect your efforts in processing. Somewhere in my childhood, I read that the probability of us, being born is 0.00000(400 trillion zeros)001, I don't believe that the odds are just a cosmic fluke, instead, there is a strong purpose destined for everyone. People who were there for us when we needed have just taken their cosmic responsibility when it's their time. I believe that the one you are missing wants the best for you and the best way to thank them is to prove them right by becoming the best version of yourself. Instead of hanging on to their memories, it will be even more honourable if their legacy is much more practised. In the whispers of memories, I request you not to cry for the absence but to smile at the beautiful memories shared during their occurrence. They don't want grief for you instead they wish growth for you. They cheered up for your happiness, now sleeve up against your limitations to prove to them you are the best version they have ever seen you. "Insecurities indicate the fear about a specific possibility that might occur in the future, which is an imagination, holding up to the past indicates more about the past, which is a memory. Don't let the splendid sense of memory or vivid sense of imagination misinterpret the present, which is a reality." Don't cry as it ended, rather smile because it happened.


I understand the pain of waking up after the longest night and not finding a message from a loved one but get aligned with the occurrence of morning in your reality. I feel you, if you are going through melancholy, I can understand how the emotional trauma sometimes turns into physical pain, panic attacks and the silent tears that the pillows have been consoling. No matter how big the pain is, you can sustain it, you can cope with it, and you are more resilient and powerful than you think you are. Please carefully read the below historic incident.

Bg. 1.20

अथ व्यवस्थितान्दृष्ट्वा धार्तराष्ट्रान्कपिध्वजः ।

प्रवृत्ते शस्त्रसम्पाते धनुरुद्यम्य पाण्डवः ।

हृषीकेशं तदा वाक्यमिदमाह महीपते ॥ २० ॥

atha vyavasthitān dṛṣṭvā

dhārtarāṣṭrān kapi-dhvajaḥ

pravṛtte śastra-sampāte

dhanur udyamya pāṇḍavaḥ

hṛṣīkeśaṁ tadā vākyam

idam āha mahī-pate

On the final day of the Kurukshetra war, Lord Krishna requested Arjuna to disembark from the chariot before him. Once Arjuna complied, Lord Krishna expressed gratitude to Hanuman for his unwavering presence throughout the conflict. In response, Hanuman respectfully bowed and left the chariot. Immediately thereafter, the chariot ignited in flames, leaving Arjuna astonished. Lord Krishna then enlightened Arjuna, revealing that were it not for Hanuman's protection against celestial weapons, the chariot would have succumbed to destruction long ago.

Assume, In the perceptional representation of horses as our senses, Arjuna as the physical life, Lord Krishna, as the soul, and the chariot as the whole body with these elements of senses, life, and soul. The element of god will be protecting us to withstand the celestial weapons (any emotional trauma) until the purpose of life is met. There is no pain without a purpose. Destiny will make people go through the night so that they can appreciate the beauty and value of the sunrise. Similarly, destiny might make a person go through a dark phase or a toxic consideration such that when the right things happen they will not consider the things for granted. Through the experience, I can state that if the ethics are maintained in the dark phases life will bless us with the purest people/ emotions/ situations/ relations/ pursuits/ progress/ fortune/ health/ and success.

Just imagine a person opening a portal and coming to rescue you from an emotional breakdown. Imagine when looking up to their face, it is your future self, it's the 5 years down the line version of yourself, the best version of yourself with the finest skills that you are practising for, the successful career you are dreaming of, with the impactful network you are looking for and with the potential to make your dreams into possibility. Wouldn't you be proud of your future self?? Perhaps yes, now imagine vanishing those future persona abilities with your own hands. You wouldn't be ok with that right? The future version will be possible only if the present version learns from the mistakes and works on the dreams. Every dream demands a price, you already paid the price, and now it's time for you to welcome the change and happening of happiness and prosperity in your life. We are in the phase of youth, which is supposed to be the beautiful phase of life.

"Today marks your resurgence. Rise from the ashes, embrace change, and let resilience be your guide. Trust your journey, believe in your strength, and soar into greatness. Your time is now.". A tree might not guard itself from the sun, but going through the sun's heat without shelter and shadow is what fills the life in the tree. The memories from togetherness aren't supposed to be the scars, but instead a beautiful canvas.

-- with love, DSP.

Important Note: If you relate with the context of "Purposeful Pursuits", stay connected with the series of upcoming blogs, sooner the context of the blogs is going to transfer from mindset to actions for financial empowerment. Kindly comment with your views, and share the blog with your loved ones for whom you think that the context of "Purposeful Pursuits" will be suitable. Thank you.

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